Gusmer Wine Catalog 2024-25

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General Juice/Wine Panels






Juice Panel

Provides winemakers with information

Brix (refractometer), TA, pH, Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen (YAN includes NOPA & Ammonia Nitrogen Analysis)

125 ml

$ 66

needed to adjust nutrient levels; recommendations regarding Brix adjustment (if necessary) are

and Nutrient Recommendation

also offered.

Extended Juice Panel

Includes the analysis above and Organic Acid Profile (acetic, citric, malic, tartaric) VA, pH, Malic Acid, Free & Total SO 2 ,

175 ml 125 ml

$ 99 $ 59

Cellar Panel

Monitors the status of your wine in cellar. We advise that it be performed every 4-6 weeks. Included with this analysis is a free SO 2 recommendation. Assists winemakers in determining the cause of sluggish ML fermentation. We will suggest a course of action to encourage complete malic acid conversion. Provides winemakers with the basic analytical information they need to make informed adjustments to their wines. Is created to provide an overview of a wine’s analytical and microbial status. Assists winemakers in determining the cause of a sluggish/stuck fermentation. We will suggest a course of action to encourage fermentation completion. Rapid Juice analysis using FTIR technology.

SO 2 Recommendation

Problematic MLF Panel

Alcohol, VA, pH, Free & Total SO 2 , Malic Acid, Microscopic Exam

125 ml

$ 99

Basic Wine Chemistry

Alcohol, VA, TA, pH, Free & Total SO 2

250 ml

$ 70


Alcohol, VA, TA, pH, Free & Total SO 2 , Malic Acid, and Glucose/Fructose, Sensory Evaluation, Microscopic Exam

375 ml

$ 149

Wine Panel


Alcohol, VA, pH, Glucose/Fructose, Microscopic Exam, Yeast Viability

375 ml

$ 94

Fermentation Panel

Rapid Grape Juice

Brix, pH, TA, Malic Acid, Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen (YAN includes NOPA & Ammonia Nitrogen Analysis)

50 ml

$ 50

Rapid Wine

Rapid Wine analysis using FTIR technology.

pH, TA, VA, Malic Acid, Glucose/Fructose, Alcohol, Density 50 ml

$ 50

Rapid Wine SO 2

Rapid Wine analysis using FTIR technology.

Free & Total SO 2 , pH, TA, VA, Malic Acid Glucose/Fructose, Alcohol, Density

50 ml

$ 50

Export Panel

We offer wine analysis for export. Please call the lab for more information. 707.224.7903

Bottling Panels







Provides critical information regarding the chemical and microbial stability of a wine

Alcohol, VA, TA, pH, Free & Total SO 2 , Malic Acid and Glucose/Fructose, Microscopic Exam, Direct Culture for Spoilage Organisms ( Brettanomyces, Pediococcus, Acetobacter ) White wine analysis includes the above and

375 ml

$ 140

prior to bottling.

375 ml

$ 163

Heat (protein) and Cold (freeze) stability


Evaluates the effectiveness of sterile

Alcohol, pH, Free & Total SO 2 , Membrane Culture

750 ml

$ 80

filtration and determines if contamination has occurred on the bottling line. An unopened bottle is required for post-bottling microbial analysis.

for Sterility

Microbiological Services Microbiological Tests Procedure Comments



Microscopic Exam

Scan for microbes and debris (plating may be recommended to determine viability) 2 ml

$ 25 $ 40 $ 25 $ 25 $ 25 $ 60 $ 35 $ 35 $ 35

Culture, Direct

Yeast/mold & bacteria

50 ml 50 ml 50 ml 50 ml




Culture, Membrane Filtration

Yeast/mold & bacteria

250 ml 250 ml 250 ml 250 ml




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