Gusmer Brewing Catalog 2022-23

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Practical Brewery Formulas

Microscope Companion Reference Book

Illustrated Guide to Microbes and Sediments in Wine, Beer and Juice by Dr. Charles G. Edwards

GEOMETRY Circle Circumference (C): = 2 π R

ATTENUATION % Alcohol by weight ( a ):

Extract Produced ———————— x 100 Potential Extract

Brewhouse Efficiency =

= 0.42 (OE – AE) = 0.52 (OR – RE)

One of the most useful books for beverage microbiology. A “must-have” for microscopic examination and visual identification of microorganisms and sediments in wines, beers and juices! Illustrated Guide to Microbes and Sediments in Wine, Beer and Juice is a microscope companion book that includes over 30 different species of yeast, bacteria and mold commonly associated with beverages, as well as frequently encountered sediments. This book is an extensive compilation of photographs and reference information printed on durable, spill-resistant paper and spiral bound so the pictures lie flat when in use with a microscope.


Extract produced is found by accurately determining the volume and the “gravity” of the wort collected in the starting tub, Potential extract is the sum of the products obtained by multiplying the weights of malt and adjuncts by their respective laboratory “as is” yields (fine grind yield for malt).

Area (A):

% Real Extract (RE) : = a ——— + AE 2.22

= π R 2


Sphere Area (A):

% Original Extract (OE) :

= 4 π R 2

Volume (V): = Cylinder Area (A) of curved surface: = 2 π R H 4 π R 3 ——— 3

a ——— + RE 0.52


MIXING Aa + Bb = Cc Where

a ——— + AE 0.42


A and B

= quantities mixed

2 a + RE - 0.22

Area (A) of each base: = π R 2

a and b

= corresponding properties

% Apparent Degree of Attenuation (ADA) :

C = A + B

= quantity of mix

Volume (V):

c = property of mix Example: If 85 bbls of water at 120 °F are mixed with 55 bbls at 212 ºF, what is the temperature of the mix? Let X = ºF of the mix; then 85 x 120 + 55 x 212 = 140 X , and

OE - AE ————— OE

= π R 2 H


Cone Area (A) of curved surface: = π R √ R 2 + H 2

% Real Degree of Attenuation (RDA) :

OE - RE ————— OE


Area (A) of base: = π R 2

10,200 + 11,660 ———————— = 156.1 140

X =

= 0.81 x ADA

Volume (V): =

Example: How many bbls of beer of 3.8% and 3.2% by weight of alcohol, respectively, must be blended in order to obtain 650 bbls of beer of 3.6% alcohol? Let X = number of bbls of 3.8% beer. Then (650 – X ) = number of bbls of 3.2% beer. Substituting in formula: X x 3.8 + (650 - X ) x 3.2 = 650 x 3.6 0.6 X = 260 X = 433 Answer: Mix 433 bbls of 3.8% beer with 217 bbls of 3.2% beer.

π R 2 H ——— 3

Abbreviations a = % alcohol by weight OE = % Original Extract RE = % Real Extract

Plain Dished Heads of Cylindrical Tanks Volume (V):

= 0.1372 π R 3 each, approximately

The microorganisms were obtained from culture collections located around the world. Each organism is featured in three photographs: (1) a typical colony grown on commercially available culture media, (2) a color stain, and (3) a phase contrast view of the microorganisms grown in wine, beer or juice. This volume includes translations of the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Chinese. Therefore, it is an essential resource for brewers worldwide. It’s a comprehensive reference book that will quickly become a standard for any technical brewing library.

AE = % Apparent Extract RDA = % Real Degree of Attenuation ADA = % Apparent Degree of Attenuation

Where R = radius of tank, and

2 R = radius of dished head

EXTRACT Convert ºP to lbs/bbl: = ALCOHOL Alcohol by Weight x 1.25 = Alcohol by Volume ( 259+ O P) O P —————— 100

Abbreviations C = circumference A = area

V = volume π = 3.14159 R = radius H = height

Published by WineBugs LLC, 2006

50 2022 - 2023 Gusmer Enterprises, Inc. Brewing Products Catalog

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